Monday, November 5, 2007

Rules for "Net IDentity"

  • Blog posts must involve some aspect of net identity.
  • Blog posts must analyze and/or discuss some other writing and issues found therein: it could be a magazine article, another blog, a website blurb. In the true spirit of learning about rhetoric, I feel this is necessary. As long as the writings are relevant to the specific net identity featured in the post, I am entitled to include multiple works.
  • Strive for greater use of images, links, videos and other digital media. Try to think outside the box: link to online games etc.
  • Don’t be afraid of racy topics; as long as they are discussed in a professional, academic way, this will make the blog more intriguing to others. Be daring.
  • Try to read other people’s blogs about the related issues. Add a blog to the blog roll whenever possible.
  • Experiment with creating digital media whenever possible.
  • Always try to learn something new when posting blogs. And try to teach something as well. Make people, including yourself, more conscious of their own net identities and their own use of digital rhetoric. That should be the ultimate goal.
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